Using the Query Builder

The Query Builder is an interface designed for preparing SQL queries in an Object-Oriented manner, with or without the rest of the library.

This guide will go through a basic example of usage.

import { GenerateQuery, QueryType } from "d1-orm";

To start with, we'll create an object for the type of our table. In this example, we'll use a Users type, with the same structure as a users table.

type User = {
id: string;
name: string;
email: string;

Now let's fetch all of the users with a particular name.

const statement = GenerateQuery(QueryType.SELECT, "users", {
where: {
name: "John Doe",

The GenerateQuery method has 3 key parameters.

  • QueryType: This is used for determining the structure of your query. See QueryType. The available options are SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE and UPSERT. These are all standard SQL, with the exception of UPSERT.

  • TableName: This is rather self-explanatory. It's used to determine which table you're operating on. In this case, we choose "users".

  • QueryOptions: For API reference, see GenerateQueryOptions. For a detailed explanation, carry on reading.

The return value of statement will look something like the following

"query": "SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE name = ?",
"bindings": ["John Doe"]

You're now able to use this statement however you like.


With the example of our User type from above, here's what a full QueryOptions object would look like.

where?: Partial<User>
limit?: number,
offset?: number,
orderBy?: keyof User | { column: keyof User, descending: boolean, nullLast?: boolean } // Or an array of this
data?: Partial<User>
upsertOnlyUpdateData?: Partial<User>

This is a lot to deal with, so here's a breakdown of it:

  • where: This is used for Selects, Updates, Deletes and Upserts. It's a Partial, meaning that every key of the User type is optional. For now, all that's supported is AND querying. For example the following would generate SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = 1 AND name = "John Doe":
GenerateQuery(QueryType.SELECT, "users", {
where: {
id: "1",
name: "John Doe",
  • limit: See SQLITE Limit. Will restrict the maximum number of results returned. Only applicable to Selects.

  • offset: See SQLITE Offset. Skip offset results before returning any. Only applied when limit is applied. Only applicable to Selects.

  • orderBy: This column is a little more complex. Example:

orderBy: "name"
orderBy: { column: "name" },
orderBy: { column: "name", descending: true }, // ORDER BY name DESC
orderBy: { column: "name", descending: true, nullLast: true}, // ORDER BY name DESC NULLS LAST
orderBy: ["name", "id"], // ORDER BY name, id
orderBy: [{ column: "name", descending: true }, "id"] // ORDER BY name DESC, id

Note: Order By Nulls Last

Any combination of the above is valid. Only applicable to Selects.

  • data: Follows the same premise as where, however is mandatory for INSERTs, UPDATEs and UPSERTs. Is also a Partial<User> in this case. Example:
GenerateQuery(QueryType.INSERT, "users", {
data: {
id: 1,
name: "John Doe",
email: "",
//query: INSERT INTO `users` (id, name, email) VALUES (?, ? , ?)
//bindings: [1, "John Doe", ""]
  • upsertOnlyUpdateData: This is the same as data, but is exclusively used for Upsert queries. See Upserting for more information.

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